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A New Method for Solving the Problem of Determining the Characteristics of Spatial Stiffness and Elasticity of the Rail Threads and Stresses and Strains in Rails

Received: 12 May 2021     Accepted: 1 June 2021     Published: 21 June 2021
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The reference data given in technical literature on the characteristics of spatial stiffness and elasticity of rail threads in the conditions of joint action on the rails of vertical and horizontal lateral forces and torsion are very different and in some cases contradictory. This situation is due to the lack of an accurate analytical solution to this problem and the provision for reference materials only experimental research data, which are clearly different, not only for different railway structures, but also significantly differ in different conditions of acting external forces (P, H, Mtor). The purpose of this article is to present a new method of analytical solution of the problem of determining the spatial characteristics of stiffness and elasticity of rail threads and also computation the stresses and strains that occur in them, under conditions of complex joint action on rail threads of vertical and horizontal dynamic forces (Pdyn, Hdyn) simultaneously with the external torque moment Mtor arising from off-center forces applied to the rails from wheel loads. The complex method of solving the problem was used in the paper. It includes the theoretical part and the results of the experiment. Using the experimental researches characteristics of horizontal lateral stiffness of the rail threads of the head and sole at different constructions of the modern rail fastenings was measured. The second task of determination of the real values of the characteristics of spatial elasticity and stiffness modulus of the rail thread under joint vertical and lateral horizontal bends of the rail in conjunction with its simultaneous torsion was solved by the theoretical methods. As the results of author’s researches were obtained new values of the characteristics of spatial stiffness and elasticity modulus of rail threads under joint vertical and lateral horizontal bends of the rail in conjunction with its simultaneous torsion. These characteristics were obtained for the modern railway track constrictions with rails (R65, R50, UIC60) on concrete and wooden sleepers and with rail fastenings unlined or lined types (KB, KPP-5, KPP-1, D0). And also these characteristics were obtained in the functional dependence on the ratio of vertical and horizontal lateral forces P/H.

Published in American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (Volume 6, Issue 3)

This article belongs to the Special Issue Railway Track and Railway Structures

DOI 10.11648/j.ajtte.20210603.12
Page(s) 58-80
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Rail Thread, Stiffness, Elasticity, Torsion, Vertical Forces, Horizontal Forces, Stresses, Strains

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  • APA Style

    Eduard Danilenko, Vitalii Molchanov. (2021). A New Method for Solving the Problem of Determining the Characteristics of Spatial Stiffness and Elasticity of the Rail Threads and Stresses and Strains in Rails. American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 6(3), 58-80. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajtte.20210603.12

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    ACS Style

    Eduard Danilenko; Vitalii Molchanov. A New Method for Solving the Problem of Determining the Characteristics of Spatial Stiffness and Elasticity of the Rail Threads and Stresses and Strains in Rails. Am. J. Traffic Transp. Eng. 2021, 6(3), 58-80. doi: 10.11648/j.ajtte.20210603.12

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    AMA Style

    Eduard Danilenko, Vitalii Molchanov. A New Method for Solving the Problem of Determining the Characteristics of Spatial Stiffness and Elasticity of the Rail Threads and Stresses and Strains in Rails. Am J Traffic Transp Eng. 2021;6(3):58-80. doi: 10.11648/j.ajtte.20210603.12

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      abstract = {The reference data given in technical literature on the characteristics of spatial stiffness and elasticity of rail threads in the conditions of joint action on the rails of vertical and horizontal lateral forces and torsion are very different and in some cases contradictory. This situation is due to the lack of an accurate analytical solution to this problem and the provision for reference materials only experimental research data, which are clearly different, not only for different railway structures, but also significantly differ in different conditions of acting external forces (P, H, Mtor). The purpose of this article is to present a new method of analytical solution of the problem of determining the spatial characteristics of stiffness and elasticity of rail threads and also computation the stresses and strains that occur in them, under conditions of complex joint action on rail threads of vertical and horizontal dynamic forces (Pdyn, Hdyn) simultaneously with the external torque moment Mtor arising from off-center forces applied to the rails from wheel loads. The complex method of solving the problem was used in the paper. It includes the theoretical part and the results of the experiment. Using the experimental researches characteristics of horizontal lateral stiffness of the rail threads of the head and sole at different constructions of the modern rail fastenings was measured. The second task of determination of the real values of the characteristics of spatial elasticity and stiffness modulus of the rail thread under joint vertical and lateral horizontal bends of the rail in conjunction with its simultaneous torsion was solved by the theoretical methods. As the results of author’s researches were obtained new values of the characteristics of spatial stiffness and elasticity modulus of rail threads under joint vertical and lateral horizontal bends of the rail in conjunction with its simultaneous torsion. These characteristics were obtained for the modern railway track constrictions with rails (R65, R50, UIC60) on concrete and wooden sleepers and with rail fastenings unlined or lined types (KB, KPP-5, KPP-1, D0). And also these characteristics were obtained in the functional dependence on the ratio of vertical and horizontal lateral forces P/H.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - A New Method for Solving the Problem of Determining the Characteristics of Spatial Stiffness and Elasticity of the Rail Threads and Stresses and Strains in Rails
    AU  - Eduard Danilenko
    AU  - Vitalii Molchanov
    Y1  - 2021/06/21
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    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajtte.20210603.12
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    AB  - The reference data given in technical literature on the characteristics of spatial stiffness and elasticity of rail threads in the conditions of joint action on the rails of vertical and horizontal lateral forces and torsion are very different and in some cases contradictory. This situation is due to the lack of an accurate analytical solution to this problem and the provision for reference materials only experimental research data, which are clearly different, not only for different railway structures, but also significantly differ in different conditions of acting external forces (P, H, Mtor). The purpose of this article is to present a new method of analytical solution of the problem of determining the spatial characteristics of stiffness and elasticity of rail threads and also computation the stresses and strains that occur in them, under conditions of complex joint action on rail threads of vertical and horizontal dynamic forces (Pdyn, Hdyn) simultaneously with the external torque moment Mtor arising from off-center forces applied to the rails from wheel loads. The complex method of solving the problem was used in the paper. It includes the theoretical part and the results of the experiment. Using the experimental researches characteristics of horizontal lateral stiffness of the rail threads of the head and sole at different constructions of the modern rail fastenings was measured. The second task of determination of the real values of the characteristics of spatial elasticity and stiffness modulus of the rail thread under joint vertical and lateral horizontal bends of the rail in conjunction with its simultaneous torsion was solved by the theoretical methods. As the results of author’s researches were obtained new values of the characteristics of spatial stiffness and elasticity modulus of rail threads under joint vertical and lateral horizontal bends of the rail in conjunction with its simultaneous torsion. These characteristics were obtained for the modern railway track constrictions with rails (R65, R50, UIC60) on concrete and wooden sleepers and with rail fastenings unlined or lined types (KB, KPP-5, KPP-1, D0). And also these characteristics were obtained in the functional dependence on the ratio of vertical and horizontal lateral forces P/H.
    VL  - 6
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Railway Track and Track Facilities, State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Department of Railway Track and Track Facilities, State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Kyiv, Ukraine

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