Methodology Article
Problems of Development of Transport and Road Transport Infrastructure of Andijan City
Khayrullo Baynazarov*,
Sotvoldiyev Xasanboy
Volume 9, Issue 4, August 2024
4 March 2024
18 March 2024
15 August 2024
Abstract: As a result of the acceleration of the urbanization process, the increase of megalopolis cities, and the growth of the population, the demand and need for public transport is increasing every year. This, in turn, requires improving the quality of public transport service, improving its culture, adapting it to today's times and conditions. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan told the officials of the field to fundamentally reform public transport, to develop public transport in the districts and cities of our country, to meet the needs of the regions, to organize transport infrastructure, to take a scientific approach to transport and logistics issues, in particular, to study foreign experience, to hire modern personnel for the field. set the tasks of training and recruitment. Public transport is essential for ensuring equitable access to transportation, reducing traffic congestion, protecting the environment, promoting social interactions, shaping urban development, and providing economic benefits. It is crucial to invest in and prioritize the development of high-quality public transport systems to address our transportation needs sustainably and improve the quality of life for individuals and communities. This article presents tasks on improving the public transport system in Andijan agro-development are presented.
Abstract: As a result of the acceleration of the urbanization process, the increase of megalopolis cities, and the growth of the population, the demand and need for public transport is increasing every year. This, in turn, requires improving the quality of public transport service, improving its culture, adapting it to today's times and conditions. The Presi...
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